Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Hardships of the Characters in Toni Morrison’s novel,...
In Toni Morrison’s novel, â€Å"The Bluest Eye†, a character named Pecola Breedlove had always been wishing to have blue eyes, because it was considered as pretty in the novel’s world. Also, a lighter skins African American, Maureen Peal, bullied the Pecola, who have darker skin, because Maureen Peal thinks herself is cute while Pecola is ugly. Similarly, Pecola always thought of herself in a negative way, in which, she calls herself ugly. On the other hand, Maureen Peal, think highly of herself, because she came from a wealthier family and more people like her. Furthermore, Pecola did not have an easy life due to all those hardships that she had to come across through her life. Morrison’s novel shows a contrast between the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant world and the world the characters of the novel live in by showing us how the characters in the novel are not living a good life and they get treated differently because of their skin color, and they are in a lower class than the others. Also, the kids are being neglected by their parents and there are child molestation in the family. I think today’s world is slowing changing but still has some similar divisions, because there is still racism out there. However, people are starting to stand up for themselves and appreciate their own culture and ethnicity more in today’s world. Nowadays, people are braver and are able to stand up for themselves. Just recently, my friend’s relative was being teased and bullied by many of herShow MoreRelatedEssay about Use of the Fences Metaphor in Describing Racial Injustice1674 Words  | 7 PagesRacial Injustice in Toni Morrisons The Bluest Eye, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, the Song Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, and August Wilsons Fences In todays world it is difficult for young people to get a good handle on the past. This is especially the case when talking about the history of African-Americans in the United States and the consequences of racial injustice which they faced. Toni Morrison shares her thoughts on this topic in her novel The Bluest Eye through the use ofRead MoreThe Bluest Eye By Toni Morrison956 Words  | 4 Pagesthe History of Slavery Influenced the Characters of The Bluest Eye Unlike so many pieces of American literature that involve and examine the history of slavery and the years of intensely-entrenched racism that ensued, the overall plot of the novel, The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, does not necessarily involve slavery directly, but rather examines the aftermath by delving into African-American self-hatred. Nearly all of the main characters in The Bluest Eye who are African American are dominatedRead MoreThe Bluest Eye By Toni Morrison944 Words  | 4 Pagesof intensely-entrenched racism that ensued, the overall plot of the novel, The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, does not necessarily involve slavery directly, but rather examines the aftermath by delving into African-American self-hatred. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Case Study Marketing Strategies
Questions: 1. Illustrate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) facing this organization in relation to the strategic excellence planning? 2. Interpret the policy recommendations/implications for the future management strategies of this organization? Discuss. Answers: 1. SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis is utilized by the company to determine the strength, weakness, and opportunities and threatens of that particular organization (Mohammad Arabzad an, 2012). In this research study, the researchers want to identify the SWOT of the Well Care InfoTech Company. Strength The main strength of this Well Care InfoTech Company is they have a team which is consists of well-experienced professionals who are expert in managing the IT infrastructure. They are also able to solve the printing issues related to the large format. Those professionals are also an expert in the software services and custom design. By the help of these expert activities, the company can easily able to make an excellent strategic plan for future. Weakness The business philosophy of the Well Care InfoTech Company is basically based on the views of the other academic researchers. Due to this reason, in future, this business philosophy can cause hazard at the time of making a strategic plan for the company in future (Van?k, Mikol, Ã… ½vkov, 2012). Business philosophy is a map or a guide book by the help of which an organization can able to guide their employees in the way through which they can able to achieve the organizational goals and can able to go beyond the expectations of the business and business clients. That is why, if the business philosophy is not ok then it cause hamper in the process of the business in future. Opportunities The main opportunities for the Well Care InfoTech Company are that nowadays the people become more critical. This helps the company to improve themselves in future. According to the case study, Maniyan gives values to those employees who are continuously developing their skills and also provide better performance within the organization by the help of which they can able to achieve the organizational; goals. Maniyan also has a solution for superior IT infrastructure which can help the business to gain profit in future. Threats The main threats of the Well Care InfoTech Company are that the UAE is a reputed trading nation. The UAE always deals with a high ratio of export and import business. Therefore, trade became the main component at the time of making the strategy for the company in future. However, the company is getting potential threat from the other competitor companies which have already existed within the market and also those new companies who are trying to enter the markets (Rego Nunes, 2010). Changes in advance technology also cause threats for that company. Due to these threats, the company faces some critical situation at the time of making an excellent strategic plan. 2. Interpretation of the Policy Recommendations for the Future Management Strategies of this Organization Business policy is a process through which the top level managers of the Well Care InfoTech Company can able to perform their roles and responsibilities. This business policy helps an organization to identify the most important issues which affect the organizational success and also affect those decisions which are taken for the organizational growth in the long term. Business policy is a guideline which is developed by an organization for controlling and monitoring their actions (Biju Shetty, 2015). At the time of making future management strategies of Well Care InfoTech Company, this business policy can help that particular organization to define the limitations or restrictions which should be following by the top level managers in future. According to the business policy, the lower level managers of the Well Care InfoTech Company also have the permission to solve the issues which are taking place within the business process without consulting along with the high-level managers (S tephenson, 2010). The business policy consists of rules, procedures and guidelines which help the Well Care InfoTech Company by supporting them to achieve the organizational goals in future ("Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Career Commitment, and Collectivism in UAEA Paradigm Shift", 2012). There are four numbers of examples for business policy. Those examples are 1) HR policy, 2) Material policy. 3) Marketing policy and 4) Quality policy. Strategic management is a type of managerial process which fixes their entire focus on building and identifying the competitive advantages which take place by considering good ideas and incorporates them into the business process effectively. The main task of Well Care InfoTech Company at the time of making an excellent strategic planning for future is to make a different way for the company through which they can able to achieve the organizational goals with the help of that resource and skills whatever they have. References Biju, S. Shetty, K. (2015). BP Dimensions and the Advertising Industry The Case of the UAE.Journal Of Business And Policy Research,10(2), 113-126. Mohammad Arabzad an, S. (2012). Improving Project Management Process in Municipality Based on SWOT Analysis.IJET,4(5), 607-612. Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Career Commitment and Collectivism in UAEA Paradigm Shift. (2012).CBR,11(12). Rego, G. Nunes, R. (2010). Hospital Foundation: A SWOT Analysis.Ibusiness,02(03), 210-217. Stephenson, L. (2010). Developing curriculum leadership in the UAE.Education, Business And Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues,3(2), 146-158. Van?k, M., Mikol, M., Ã… ½vkov, K. (2012). Evaluation Methods of Swot Analysis / Metody Vyhodnocen Swot Analzy.Geoscience Engineering,58(2).
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Importance of Names free essay sample
It is typical of Rosalie Ham’s meticulous writing style even the names of each of her characters are deliberately chosen to give further meaning to the book. Alterations to the names such as shortenings e. g. Myrtle to Tilly or changes to last names after marriage often coincide which the emergence of a character’s new side or a fundamental change in their nature. On the other hand, if a character does not undergo any change despite the events occurring around them, then the name will simply retain its original meaning. Though Tilly’s introduction of the fashion avant-garde to the isolated Australian country town changes the exterior of minor townsfolk as a rule, their names do not change as the characters themselves retain their integral character. Beula Harridene is one example of this, the harridan (vicious, scolding woman) nature that gives her her name does not change, as she maintains her natural sticky beak tendencies so she keeps her name. We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of Names or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Fred Bundle is named as it could be said that he dropped his (bundle). His alcohol addiction only became apparent to him after a potentially life-threatening, drunken fall into the cellar. Purl’s common name is supposed to be representative of her common nature. Mr Almanac is much like an almanac in his knowledge of medical histories and his ability to read and judge other people’s lives. Each Pickett lives up to their name in a individual way, Lois Pickett is infamous for picking her scabs and blackheads while her son, the gentle and slow Bobby Pickett, was mercilessly picked on in primary and her daughter, Nancy Pickett developed the habitat of picking on other children to protect her brother. Considered the swine of the town, the McSwineys are aptly named. Though pigs are commonly believed to the dirty farm animals, they are in fact some of the cleanest animals they are carefree, highly intelligent and have large litters. Mona Beaumont, often described as ‘Mona by name, moaner by nature, is full of repressed desires, the desire to be noticed and appreciated by her mother as well as strong sexual desire. This is the fact that Mona means ‘wishes or desires’ becomes significant. Sergeant Horatio Farrat, though he could hardly be described as a minor character, also keeps the same name as, though throughout the novel gradually allows more of his nature to show hrough, his nature does not change. Farrat is a play on the word ‘faggot’ which is a colloquial term for a gay man (which there is no evidence that Horatio Farrat is) as well as effect gained by a particular kind of stitching. Other characters either alter their names as the plot progresses or the irony of their names disappears as they grow into it. Myrtle Dunnage changes her name to Tilly in her exile from Dungatar in order to disconnect herself from her past and forge a new identity. As the shortening discards part of her name so she discards parts of her old self that are undesirable. Similarly, Gertrude Pratt shortens her name to Trudy to discard her former status as a grocer’s daughter and assimilate her new importance as a ‘Beaumont’ more fully. The shortening of Gertrude to Trudy however also seems to illuminate Gertrude’s monstrously ambitious nature as it chips away at layers of character that may have concealed it. The name ‘Beaumont’ that Trudy assumes after her marriage to William is classically upper-class. Beaumont itself means beautiful mountain, the first of many ironies surrounding the Beaumont family. Though the Beaumonts may have been a presence in the area many years before the decay of Elsbeth’s fox fur is hardly beautiful and the family no longer has the might or the wealth to merit comparison with a mountain. William is typically quite weak willed and is often simply swept along with events not fighting at all for things to go his way. His name then becomes the second ironic aspect of the Beaumonts, as William is generally accepted to mean ‘strong willed warrior’, until Trudy’s character forces him to find his will and fight for the first time for his own interests. Before Molly Dunnage became the ‘Old Mad Molly’ we are introduced to at the very beginning of the novel, her name was representative of her suspect past. Molly is supposed to sound like moll, a colloquial terms meaning prostitute or loose woman. This in turn is representative of the slander on her name as she was neither of those things. Dunnage means ‘miscellaneous baggage’ refers both to the emotional baggage both the Dunnage women carry. Molly Dunnage’s transition to Old Mad Molly is portrays the way she lost herself and her true name in loneliness for her daughter.
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