Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Diversity at Work
A significant issue that numerous organizations face today is the way to advance assorted variety in the work environment. While government laws and friends approaches offer insurance to decent variety on the work environment, there still stand certain obstructions that hinder its development. In actuality, the reasons for these endeavors are vanquished. Consequently, it is significant for firms to deliver how to beat these barriers.Having been a longstanding issue, numerous investigations have been committed to characterizing and overseeing decent variety, distinguishing impediments to assorted variety, and manners by which these obstacles can be won. In every one of these examinations, specialists concurred that decent variety isn't a simple task.Moreover, advancing assorted variety in the working environment expects defenders to confront the issues of dread, trouble from the workgroup, botches in arranging, and issues with financing and preparing plans, among different issues. Dec ent variety at Workâ€How to Make it Work? presents and investigates these obstructions that block the extension of assorted variety in work environments, as distinguished by specialists. Thus, the paper will likewise endeavor to raise recommendations with respect to how these obstructions can be defeated just as how decent variety can be advanced all the more successfully. Boundaries to Diversity There is never any idiot proof plan.Companies most particularly, paying little heed to measure or industry, are delicate to confronting difficulties when they present plans that can antagonistically influence its activities and representatives. In any case, organizations ought not be upset by these difficulties, and along these lines proceed with plans that can add to the development of the firm and its workforce. This applies basically when an organization chooses to make a stride in making theirs a various working environment. Assorted variety, being a delicate issue that it is, can be loaded up with challenges that numerous organizations who buy in to it end up unsuccessful.While it is noteworthy for an organization to invest amounts of energy in advancing decent variety in their firm, it is similarly significant for it to realize that there are obstacles to their endeavors to advance decent variety in their working environments. It is likewise vital for them to distinguish and deliver these hindrances to take into consideration decent variety to be viable. In doing as such, the time, cash, and exertion that the organization will place in to advancing assorted variety won't be put to squander. Here are a portion of the things that specialists recognized as hindrances to making decent variety prosper in organizations:Wrong pioneers. Decent variety is a delicate activity, and in light of the fact that it includes the representatives it is typical for organizations to make councils to lead the program, or designate the HR individuals to carry out the responsibility . Nonetheless, the delicate idea of advancing decent variety can make representatives vulnerable against different workers, regardless of whether they are HR heads. (Simmons, 2003) Fear. As per Thiederman (2003), numerous organizations who choose to confront assorted variety will in general be apprehensive with the things connected to it.In numerous cases, decent variety councils take impressive time arranging the decent variety activities due to their numerous feelings of dread, for example, to annoy a minor gathering, or to commit an error in the arrangements that they are making. Faulty targets. Organizations may get unreasonable with their objectives and either make goals which are not appropriate to their working environment, or too perfect that it can never be executed. (Thiederman, 2003) Simmons (2003) seconds this by saying that regularly, organizations make decent variety targets that are not in accordance with the vision and crucial the organization, to which everything ou ght to be based.Lack of collaboration from workers. The insignificant advancement of decent variety presents the way that distinctions exist in the association, and in certainty further demonstrates the presence of such. In spite of the way that decent variety means to balance and make comprehensiveness with all individuals from the workforce, there are occasions when representatives see provisos and won't have any desire to collaborate. (Thiederman, 2003) By advancing assorted variety, the prevailing party or lion's share may likewise feel that they are getting less open doors in the company’s exertion to advance equity and inclusion.These representatives may feel that in the company’s endeavors t please the minority, they are in effect forgotten about and hence it will be hard for them to coordinate. (Regular obstructions to decent variety, 2000) Stereotypes. It is human instinct to generalization individuals. Regularly, individuals make presumptions of others intent ionally or not without thinking about how it can influence others and nature in which they are in. Generalizing influences organizations so that when representatives judge one another, they are as of now neutralizing assorted variety. (Regular boundaries to assorted variety, 2000)Co-enrollment Syndrome. It isn't amazing that workers will probably gather themselves as per their likenesses. Along these lines regularly, white guys will probably amass similarly that workers in their mid-20s will aggregate. In any case, this is one deformity in organizations that keep assorted variety from occurring. At the point when workers bunch themselves, they unknowingly structure groups that will in general be selective to them dependent on their similitudes. A negative impact of this situation is the propensity for these groups to make inclinations inside their groups.For occasion, when an individual from the gathering must be assessed by a co-part reasonable and genuine judgment may not be given . (Regular obstructions to decent variety, 2000) Insider Dynamics. In the making of casual splinter bunches in the work environment, it is unavoidable for representatives to feel either included or avoided in the groups. This exceptionally influences the exhibition of the representatives. At the point when a worker is an individual from a gathering, he views himself as an insider and can get the help of her co-individuals in any corporate initiative.On the other hand, representatives who are unique and consequently abhors the enrollment to a gathering (the untouchables to a gathering) don't get the sponsorship they need in corporate activities. This harms their certainty and confidence. For a bigger scope, it denies them the option to impact others, settle on choices for themselves, their positions, and their areas of expertise, and may give them less access to crucial data that can assist them with assuming their expert jobs. (Normal boundaries to decent variety, 2000) Cues and ges tures.With the distinctions in race, sexual orientation, culture, instruction, age, and different perspectives, individuals may have various signs and signals that may mean distinctively to other people. While this is ordinary, it incredibly influences assorted variety endeavors and can even make correspondence tumult. (Regular obstructions to assorted variety, 2000) Generalities in decent variety preparing. Since assorted variety includes the incorporation of all workers paying little heed to contrasts, decent variety trainings likewise will in general be various in nature and given spontaneously without thought on the various degrees of comprehension and acknowledgment that representatives have just as jobs that they play.This makes most decent variety trainings inadequate and inefficient. (Simmons, 2003) Lack of expert mentors. The interest for assorted variety trainings is on the ascent, and it pulled in non-experts to join the fleeting trend of decent variety coaches in spite o f absence of preparing and aptitude regarding the matter. This makes more issue than arrangement, as non-gifted coaches can give superfluous or wrong plans to representatives who can wind up confounded and disappointed. (Bennet, n. d. ) Time and cost.Promoting assorted variety and utilizing decent variety courses is a mean accomplishment. It can cost a huge number of dollars to recruit a decent variety speaker, extra costs to set up the preparation with all the prerequisites of it, and extra cash for detailing arrangements and actualizing them. Aside from this, it will likewise require some investment from representatives and corporate heads the same, and in business time is additionally equivalent to cash. At the point when an organization chooses to advance assorted variety, both top-level administrators and representatives need to dispense and invest energy in cooperating.Company authorities need to set aside the effort to design the activity, make arrangements, allocate agents, and screen the advancement of the arrangement direct to guarantee that endeavors are not placed futile. Workers will moreover require an opportunity to meet with organization authorities and agents to talk about the arrangement for assorted variety, just as allocate an indent in their timetables to go to trainings and courses. From that point, each individual from the organization must require some investment each and every day at work to see that assorted variety is being practiced.Thus, time and cost are likewise obstructions for some organizations who are eager to advance decent variety in their organizations. (Bennet, n. d. ) Overcoming Barriers After recognizing the obstructions that organizations involvement with advancing assorted variety at work, it is fundamental for answers for be named well. Regardless, Simmons (2003) states that assorted variety activities ought to be lead by the CEOs and top-level administrators. This will make the arrangement have all the earmarks of b eing of essential significance, as what it as of now is.The contribution of the higher positions will likewise incite collaboration among representatives. Dread is one more impediment in accomplishing corporate decent variety and to help this, Thiederman (2003) says that it will be useful for the advocates and pioneers of the activity to talk with their kin and discover precisely what their musings and perspectives are to realize the real necessities in the issue and stay away from botches, particularly in the territory of strategy making. Coordinating the objectives of decent variety with the objectives, crucial, vision of the organization will likewise set the objectives of the activity straight.(Simmons, 2003) It is significant for organizations to make sensible goals that are predictable with the convictions that their organizations buy in into. In like manner, organizations that are simply beginning with their decent variety plans should examine and gain from organizations who have just prevailing with regards to overseeing assorted variety in their organizations. (Thiederman, 2003) However, it is unavoidable to have workers who are not ready to help out assorted variety endeavors paying little heed to endeavors in the piece of the company.According Thiederman (2003), including everybody is
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Theoretical Mass of Ethyl-p Aminohenzoic Acid | Experiment
Hypothetical Mass of Ethyl-p Aminohenzoic Acid | Experiment The yield acquired through this examination is 63 of the hypothetical mass of ethyl-p aminohenzoic corrosive. There are scarcely any occasions that could be improved so as to give the measure of yield got. As a matter of first importance, the nature of reagent utilized is moderately little to secure a decent level of the item. All together for a more noteworthy rate respect be attainted this test, a lot of reagent ought to be utilized. Next to s, that the item is moved into an excessive number of holders more than once. This causes a lost in item between the exchanges. Along these lines, less exchange of item ought to be done in this test to acquire higher level of yield. In addition,. Despite the fact that it was just a little part, it is still lessening the measure of sanitized yield acquired.. Moreover, more precautionary measures ought to be taken while performing recrystallization, for example, including as meager methanol as could be expected under the circumstances. The yield can be improved by boosting the arrangement of precious stones. More precious stones can be framed by scratching the base of the Erlenmeyer cup with a glass bar and including a gems seed into the arrangement. To add on, it ought to be given enough time for precious stones to be found while the carafe is set in the ice water shower. Through this, more yields can be gained. What is the benefit of utilizing outright ethanol as opposed to utilizing 95% ethanol in this trial? In the event that the 95% ethanol was utilized the little measure of water present in the weakened ethanol can forestall ester arrangement. This is on the grounds that easter the nearness of water could drive the response to one side. for example rather than acids turning out to be esters from the Alkyl gathering, the esters can become acids due to the hydrogen from the water. Accordingly, the utilization of supreme ethanol is favored which will drive the response to right, as opposed to utilizing any types of weakened ethanol that could just contrarily impact response for ester development. Why it is essential to include the sulfuric corrosive drop insightful to the ethanolic arrangement of p-aminobenzoic corrosive? Sulfuric corrosive has been demonstrated to be the most productive impetus for esterification. Water is a result of the esterification response, where increment in water amount would the opposite response and lessening the yield of the response. In any case, when the response is acted within the sight of a concentrated sulfuric corrosive (hydrophyllic), it will proceed as a parchedness operator that will retain the water atoms by delivered from the response. So within the sight of a sulfuric corrosive impetus, the response will be driven towards the correct side, which is desirable over yield more ester. The explanation behind including this concentric corrosive in drop insightful is basically to keep away from the extraordinary response of the corrosive with the water. Since, if inordinate water was delivered from the ethanolic arrangement of p-aminobenzoic corrosive, the abrupt expansion of enormous amount of concentrated sulfuric corrosive could prompt outrageous response with this over the top water, and result to a lot of heat(exothermic). This isn't protected and unsafe specifically because of the utilization of concentrated sulphuric corrosive. Interestingly, if corrosive was included as drops, the response will be as yet occurring in the arrangement however will be constrained distinctly to a littler degree. Subsequently such strategy is desirable over keep up better control. Another bit of leeway of utilizing drop savvy including of the corrosive would allow us to control the corrosiveness of the last resultant. Since, if the corrosive substance is expanded in the last arrangement the resulting balance process occurs within the sight of a basic would prompt an extraordinary response. In this manner including drop shrewd corrosive is basic to control the causticity of the arrangement, so the security of the response can be kept up all through. The structure of the strong shaped when the concentrated sulphuric corrosive is added to the arrangement of p-aminobenzoic corrosive Fischer esterification system Why it is significant that the entirety of the solids disintegrate during the reflux time frame for a decent yield of item? The strong encourage subsequent to chilling off could be unreached benzoic corrosive. i.e, not all the solvents are taken part in the response to create Benzocaine. This could occur if the measure of the ethanol is excessively low. Be that as it may, the majority of events this will be mostly because of the need response between the accessible methanol. This can be anyway kept away from by blending the blend to quick the response. In this manner, so as to get great yield of ester, all the precipitants of the blend must be broken up in any case. Be that as it may, this is beyond the realm of imagination in the greater part of the events. For what reason is it essential to kill the response blend during the work-up At the point when corrosive is added to the response blend in the wake of refluxing, the amino gathering is protonated, making it solvent in water. At the point when the Na2CO3 is included, the proton is expelled and makes the benzocaine is not, at this point solvent. Hence it starts to encourage out of arrangement when the response blend is killed. In this manner it is significant kill the dampness so as to sift through the ester from the blend, which in any case will be in a broken down state consequently would not be recoverable. Accepting it was important to include an extra segment of concentrated sulfuric corrosive, figure about how much 10% watery sodium carbonate would be required to kill the response blend. While the test 28.6 ml of sodium carbonate need to killed the 18M sulfuric corrosive. So the include of the other elixir 0.5 ml of sulfuric corrosive What is the gas advanced during the balance? In nearness of sulfuric corrosive p-amino benzoic corrosive responds with ethanol to frame ethyl p-aminobenzoate. The response medium contains the sulfuric corrosive and this was killed with sodium bicarbonate. In this manner the gas developed during the response between the corrosive and base is carbon dioxide (CO2).
Monday, August 17, 2020
Looking Back, Looking Forward
Looking Back, Looking Forward So a couple days ago, frustrated as I was by the fact that I wasnt getting anywhere with my biochem studying, I decided to take a break and wander through the videos on my computer. Im sharing a particularly choice one with you with full knowledge of the fact that Ill probably never live it down. MIT Tech TV Oh and I also found one of Quinton, from the elephant parade last semester :) MIT Tech TV Haha, I hope that was at least mildly entertaining. I definitely needed a few laughs this past week there is sooo much going on right now: tests, problem sets, papers, C-Show dance practices (more about C-Show in a later entry), random other extracurricular stuff, ahhh. I wish there were a pause button for life. Or maybe just a fast-forward button because I cannot waittt for CPW 2011! I hope you 15s realize exactly how excited we all are to see you on campus. We get to find out which of you well be host-matched with this Sunday at a short training session, and in just a week, well finally get to meet you in person. For those of you coming to CPW be prepared for an amazing time, complete with the prospect of little to no sleep. Therell be free food everywhere, random events in the middle of the night, hundreds of people wanting to meet you, and tons of opportunities to get to know what MIT is like. I know several of you tuned into the CPW webcast two weekends ago and already have an idea of how to navigate CPW. In case you missed it though, here are some tips/general thoughts on CPW 2011: 1. Be spontaneous Youve seen the CPW schedule online, and you can tell that the 3-4 days youll be on campus will be absolutely jam-packed with events. Definitely hit up the major events (ex. Welcome Ceremony, Activities Midway (free stuff!), Closing Ceremony, Faculty Speeches, etc) but also feel free to stray a little bit. The point is to get to know other members of your class so if that means missing a dose of pancakes at 2 am in favor of staying up till 5 am just talking about life, go for it. 2. Make sure to check out all the dorms Every dorm at MIT has its own flavor: McCormick Hall (my dorm) is generally characterized as clean/friendly/quiet. Random Hall iswell, random. Burton-Conner pretty much has a different personality on every floor. Baker is almost always social and lively. Go to them all, talk to residents, and take tours make use of this chance to get a head-start on deciding where you want to live next year. 3. Visit some classes and chat with professors I know that one of my biggest concerns when deciding whether or not I should MITriculate centered around the workload here at MIT and whether or not I could handle it. During CPW, I sat in on an 8.02 (Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism) lecture as well as a 7.013 (Biology) lecture, just get an idea of what MIT classes were like. 8.02 was particularly neat because they did a ton of in-class demonstrations, in honor of CPW. I came away from those lectures feeling a lot better about the difficulty of classes at MIT theyre not quite so impossible as they seem :) 4. Speak with current students despite the rampant stereotypes, MIT students are not extreme nerds who sit around on their computers coding all day. People here come from a range of diverse backgrounds, are excited by a variety of topics, and spend their free time doing all kinds of interesting things. Chat with us! Ask us anything you like whether its about classes, student life, crazy fun times weve had on campus. Were open to any and all questions/conversations. 5. GET FREE STUFF Consider this your ultimate goal at CPW =P Get to events early so that you dont end up with 7 XXL shirts like I did and so that upperclassmen masquerading as prefrosh dont swipe the free stuff that was rightfully yours. On a related note make sure the suitcase/bag you bring to CPW has a little extra room. Youre definitely going to be going home with more than you what you came to campus with. For those of you who cant make it to CPW: dont be sad! Orientation is essentially an extended version of CPW, so you have plenty of fun heading your way in the near future. Plus, I can tell you that based on the 7 prefrosh I know/have met so far, your Class if fabulous :) I actually got a chance to host one of your classmates, Aarti 15, last night as part of the Overnight Visit program (hehe, she just called me saying shes awake =P). And Ill get to see the rest of you soon! Get pumpedddd for CPW 2011.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay about Plato - 1268 Words
Birth and family The exact birthdate of Plato is unknown. Based on ancient sources, most modern scholars estimate that he was born in Athens or Aegina[b] between 428 and 427 BC[a] His father was Ariston. According to a disputed tradition, reported by Diogenes Laertius, Ariston traced his descent from the king of Athens, Codrus, and the king of Messenia, Melanthus.[4] Platos mother was Perictione, whose family boasted of a relationship with the famous Athenian lawmaker and lyric poet Solon.[5] Perictione was sister of Charmides and niece of Critias, both prominent figures of the Thirty Tyrants, the brief oligarchic regime, which followed on the collapse of Athens at the end of the Peloponnesian war (404-403 b.c.e.).[6] Besides Plato†¦show more content†¦According to Burnet, the opening scene of the Charmides is a glorification of the whole [family] connection ... Platos dialogues are not only a memorial to Socrates, but also the happier days of his own family.[17] Name According to Diogenes Laertius, the philosopher was named Aristocles after his grandfather, but his wrestling coach, Ariston of Argos, dubbed him Platon, meaning broad on account of his robust figure.[18] According to the sources mentioned by Diogenes (all dating from the Alexandrian period), Plato derived his name from the breadth (platutà ªs) of his eloquence, or else because he was very wide (platus) across the forehead.[19] In the 21st century some scholars disputed Diogenes, and argued that the legend about his nameShow MoreRelatedPlato And Plato s Republic1119 Words  | 5 PagesThe ancient Greek Philosopher Plato had an interest in finding the ideal government. In Plato’s Republic, he discusses his ideas and views of how this ideal government would function. He believed that people are born into 3 different classes, with different responsibilities (Plato 415a). Only people in the â€Å"golden†class were fit to rule. The most effective of these rulers would b e philosophers, as they have knowledge of the good of the whole (Plato 473d). This system seems too perfect for me. IRead MorePlato967 Words  | 4 Pageswould wish the best for a friend regardless of the friend’s usefulness to them or what pleasure he could attain. Having been raised to strive to attain these virtues, the need for a reason to do so becomes pointless. Another difference is that Plato believes that the best type of good is one that is desirable both in itself and for the sake of its results, while Aristotle says that if X is desired because it brings you to Y, then Y is ultimately better than X. Therefore, the highest good is oneRead MorePlato And Plato s The Apology1623 Words  | 7 Pagesmore interested in determining how the world worked and its origins/cosmology, as oppose to philosophers such as Plato And Socrates who focused more on ethics or morality. Plato’s conception of God and religion can be depicted in his literatures â€Å"Euthyphro†and â€Å"The Apology†which he expresses through his writings of Socrates in dialogue formation. While one may assume that both Plato and Socrates shared analogous notions of God and religion it is impossible to truly know given the Socratic problemRead MoreThe Republic By Plato Vs. Plato1299 Words  | 6 PagesThe Republic by Plato is an vision of an utopian society established through the character of Socrates. Many aspects of Plato’s society appears utopian; however, it can also be viewed dystopian as it is mere subjectiveness. Many of Plato’s arguments apply to current day society; for example, Donald Trump’s rise to power depicts democracy degenerating to despotism. Plato’s Republic is utopian in idealistic terms because the most qualified individual is in charge of society who is able to extend hisRead MoreComparison Between Plato And Plato1101 Words  | 5 Pagesmorality is, how to create justice inside and outside society, the state of nature, equality, and the state of war. They distinguish how the people and government help create a well-oiled society. Comparing Plato to Rousseau, the beginning of philosophy to a more modern perspective. In Crito by Plato, Socrates continues a speech of the Laws of Athens by appealing to a social contract that exists between the Laws and the citizens. By living in Athens, one must abide by the Laws of Athens. Since SocratesRead MorePlato1819 Words  | 8 Pageswinner of the North Award for the best paper in the 2012 Agora. Ben presented an earlier version of this paper at the ACTC Student Conference at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, in March, 2011.) When reading the Apology and the Crito of Plato, one inevitably comes upon a seeming fundamental contradiction between the two dialogues. The Apology presents readers with a defiant Socrates who declares in his trial that, if acquitted on the condition that he never philosophize again, he wouldRead MorePlato s Symposium, By Plato1273 Words  | 6 PagesIn the book,†Plato’s Symposium,†by Plato, who was a philosopher in Greece, he illustrates the dialectic discussion at a party at Agathon’s to celebrate his triumph of his first tragedy. In the Symposium; the guests Phaedrus, an Athenian aristocrat; Pausanias, the legal expert; Eryximachus, a physician; Aristophanes, eminent comic playwright; Agathon ,a tragic poet and host of the banquet; Socrates, eminent philosopher and Plato s teacher; and Alcibiades, a prominent Athenian statesman, oratorRead MorePlato Vs. Rhetoric : Plato And Rhetoric2524 Words  | 11 PagesPlato and Rhetoric Plato is one of the greatest philosophers in history. Often his words and sayings resonate to this day. But, considering all what Plato has done, what is most peculiar about him is his condemnation of poets and sophists. Plato is in a constant fight to see that the way of true philosophy replaces these false arts. But even much more interesting is that Plato goes even further, and condemns the use of rhetoric, the art of persuasion, as a whole. He not only does this adamantlyRead MoreEssay on Plato1158 Words  | 5 PagesPlato: The Life of Plato Plato was born around 427 BC, in Athens Greece to rich and politically involved family. Platos parents spared no expense in educating him; he was taught at the finest schools. He was taught by Socrates and defended Socrates when he was on trial. Plato traveled to Italy and may have even visited Egypt before founding The Academy. Plato also visited Sicily and instructed a young king there before returning to The Academy to teach for twenty years before his death in 347Read MorePlato Vs Aristotle Vs Plato1814 Words  | 8 PagesPlato and Aristotle had a considerable amount of differences in ideology given that Aristotle was Plato’s student for roughly two decades. Plato, a student of Socrates, opposed the idea of average citizens to participate in politics because he believed that political practice was skill or â€Å"technÄ“ that can only be achieved by a few people. He believed that â€Å"kings must be those among them who have proved best both in philosophy and where war is concerned.†(Republic, 491) and that these â€Å"philosopher
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Adult Illiteracy Rates (15 Years Over) in the Middle East
Some 774 million adults worldwide (age 15 and over) cant read, according to the Global Campaign for Education. Heres how the Middle East countries illiteracy rates rank. Middle East Illiteracy Rates Rank Country Illiteracy rate (%) 1 Afghanistan 72 2 Pakistan 50 3 Mauritania 49 4 Morocco 48 5 Yemen 46 6 Sudan 39 7 Djibouti 32 8 Algeria 30 9 Iraq 26 10 Tunisia 25.7 11 Egypt 28 12 Comoros 25 13 Syria 19 14 Oman 18 15 Iran 17.6 16 Saudi Arabia 17.1 17 Libya 16 18 Bahrain 13 19 Turkey 12.6 20 Lebanon 12 21 U.A.E. 11.3 22 Qatar 11 23 Jordan 9 24 Palestine 8 25 Kuwait 7 26 Cyprus 3.2 27 Israel 3 28 Azerbaijan 1.2 29 Armenia 1 Sources: United Nations, 2009 World Almanac, The Economist
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Fire Extinguisher Inspection and Accessibility Free Essays
Fire Extinguisher Inspection and Accessibility BY crashers Fire Extinguisher Inspection and Accessibility: Class Project University of AXES Professor XX Fire Protection Proposal A critical aspect for a successful business is the ability to motivate employees to increase and maintain their productivity. One key element in accomplishing this is to provide a safe working environment by addressing and mitigating risks or hazards facing employees. Although, it is impossible to create a completely risk free work environment, there are certain risks that can be addressed effectively, particularly he risk of a fire in the workplace. We will write a custom essay sample on Fire Extinguisher Inspection and Accessibility or any similar topic only for you Order Now The risk of workplace fire is a concern for any business and can be mitigated in many ways. This proposal will focus on a very effective and simple form of fire protection, fire extinguishers. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) governs the use, location, maintenance and training of portable fire extinguishers. This is accomplished through OSHA Standard 1910. 157, â€Å"Portable Fire Extinguishers†. A recent walk through of this building revealed a clear violation(s) of OSHA standards regarding fire extinguishers. This reports will bring to the attention of Executive Management the importance of fire protection, attempt to identify the exact safety concern, determine what OSHA standard governs this concern and develop a feasible solution to correct the issue. The solution will take into account both the physical and economical feasibility of correcting the issue, while maintaining focus on employee safety. Fire Protection: It is not an uncommon event to have a fire occur in the workplace. Fires can result in serious bodily injury, including burns and smoke inhalation. It can also lead to aerospace fatalities. According to OSHA, between 70,000 and 80,000 fires occur each year within the workplace in the United States (2013). Despite this number of workplace fires, fire and explosion only make up on average about three percent of the total workplace fatalities (BILLS, 2007). However, it can also cause enormous property damage and, depending on the type of business, can lead to serious environmental issues. It is also estimated that businesses suffered roughly 2 billion dollars worth of property damage each year from fires in the workplace (OSHA, 2013). Fire protection, to include fire extinguishers, can be utilized to mitigate these risks, resulting in the reduction of on the Job injuries, fatalities, the loss of property, environmentally concerns and the negative impact fire can have on a business’s bottom line. There are many measures to combat fires in the workplace. One of the simplest and most effective measures in fire protection is the fire extinguisher. It can provide the means to extinguish small fires before they become larger and more destructive. It can also be used to protect and clear egress routes that may become locked by fire during an evacuation, providing a safe means of escape for all employees. Fire extinguishers, in the hands off trained employee, can offer an important weapon in combating fires in the workplace, creating a safer environment for all employees. However, in order for a fire extinguisher to be useful, it must be readily available, in proper working order and must be matched to the proper fuel classification for the workplace environment, which is mandated and enforced by OSHA. Violation: A walk through inspection was conducted of the building to include all five floors. On the third floor it was discovered that of the four fire extinguishers located on that floor, two out of four fire extinguishers were out of date by two months (see appendix A). Of the remaining two functional fire extinguishers, one of those was located in a locked storage room, on a shelf, behind a green plastic container (see appendix B). This is a clear violation of OSHA standard subpart Fire protection 1910. 157, Portable Fire Extinguishers, specifically the following sections: (c)(l). The employer shall provide portable fire extinguishers and shall mount, locate and identify them so that hey are readily accessible to employees without subjecting the employees to possible injury. (e)(l). The employer shall be responsible for the inspection, maintenance and testing of all portable fire extinguishers in the workplace. (e)(3). The employer shall assure that portable fire extinguishers are subjected to an annual maintenance check. Stored pressure extinguishers do not require an internal examination. The employer shall record the annual maintenance date and retain this record for one year after the last entry or the life of the shell, whichever is less. The record shall be available to the Assistant Secretary upon request (2014). As one can see, the company is in violation of the OSHA standards governing fire extinguishers, particularly the placement, maintenance and inspection. It should be noted that three out of the four fire extinguishers on the third floor were clearly marked and readily accessible to employees. They were strategically located and were appropriately matched to the fuel classification for each floor. The fire extinguishers on the remaining four floors were all in compliance with OSHA standards. It should be noted the fire extinguishers on the each floor were inspected annually at different times or months, which could be a contributing factor. This factor, along with another observation, should be analyzed in order to develop a feasible solution. Analysis: In order to resolve this safety hazard and find a feasible, yet effective solution, a couple of factors need to be considered. A direct and obvious factor relates to determining if the third floor poses a reduced perspicuity for fires. After careful review, there does not appear to be any evidence to support that fires occurring on he third floor are less or more likely to occur than on any other area of the building. There are no unusual activities occurring on the third that would warrant such a conclusion. After a review of the company’s Hazard Communication Program, to include an inventory of chemicals for each floor and the Material Safety Data Sheets or Safety Data Sheets, the third floor does not house any different chemicals than the other four floors of the building. The number of employees occupying the third floor in a given workday is comparable to the remaining floors of the building. Therefore, he third floor warrants the same fire protection as the rest of the building, to include accessibility and maintenance of fire extinguishers. The inspection schedule for the building, as it relates to fire extinguishers, appears to be on different rotations. This leads to another interesting factor as to why the inspection dates for fire extinguishers on each floor of the building are during different months? After careful review of the company’s Fire Protection, Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Audits from 2002 to 2013, there appears to be no documented or social reasoning for having the fire extinguishers inspected on different dates. It does not reduce cost, time or effort on the part of the company. Research and inquiries could not determine an actual benefit to this practice. Therefore, it should be concluded that this practice should be revisited in order to find an effective solution. Solution: After careful research and analysis, it was determined the third floor of the building does not warrant any special attention or need elaborate measures to maintain the fire extinguishers. Therefore, the solutions to correct these violations re simple, straightforward and cost effective. They are as follows: a) Mount fourth fire extinguisher outside the storage room with proper markings, which will provide easy access to all employees. B) Ensure the annual inspection of all fire extinguishers in the building is conducted on the same date. C) Create a maintenance log and record the monthly maintenance checks with either the log beginning or ending with the annual inspection. D) Incorporate maintenance and inspection checks into the annual fire protection training. E) Challenge employees to check the inspection date n the fire extinguishers by offering an incentive to whomever brings to the attention of management an issue. An example would be a privileged parking spot for a week or a free lunch for a day. All of the above are easy, cost effective suggestions to correct and prevent these issues from occurring in the future. Any one or a combination of these suggestions can be utilized to create a safer working environment for, not Just the third floor, but also the entire building. Conclusion: This proposal was designed to bring to the attention of executive management a rise of OSHA violation(s) concerning fire protection, particularly fire extinguishers, for the third floor. Even though the company has made a good faith effort to ensure the building is properly outfitted with several devices to alert and prevent workplace fires, it should not neglect the very basic concept of the fire extinguisher. It can be a vital, cost effective tool to prevent injury, loss of life, property damage, environmental issues and the interference or shut down of business due too workplace fire. It can prevent a small fire from becoming much larger and be used to aid in an evacuation f employees due to a workplace fire. The simple steps purposed will correct and ensure these violations do not occur in the future, ensuring a safer work environment for all. How to cite Fire Extinguisher Inspection and Accessibility, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Kozol Amazing Grace free essay sample
Kozol Reaction/Analysis Paper After reading Jonathan Kozol’s Amazing Grace, two main topics stood out to me. The first topic that stood out to me was power and the affects of power. The second topic that stood out to me was the major socio-economic class differences that exist between the rich and the poor. Using the course reading from Miller and the two course readings from Mantsios, I will further analyze and examine these two topics from Kozol’s Amazing Grace. To begin, let’s see how Kozol’s Amazing Grace relates to Jean Baker Miller’s â€Å"Domination and Subordination†. Miller focuses on dominance and subordinates and how the dominants are the superior ones with all of the open power and authority and the ones who determine the ways in which power may be acceptably used (Miller, 112). She refers to subordinates as inferior and powerless and the group that has to concentrate on basic survival (Miller, 113). The dominant ones in Amazing Grace are the political leaders of New York City because they are the ones with all the wealth. For example, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani plans to cut back sanitation and inspection services and programs for children and teenagers as well as a variety of other services relied on by poor people such as drug-rehabilitation programs, programs that help hungry families in obtaining food, and the cancellation of AIDS services to 600 children and 16,000 adults (Kozol, 100). When one has all the power in their hands, they can control economic and social situations and put it in their favor just like the political leaders of New York City did. They used the cuts to create a $150 million dollar school in the rich area and to build a prison. The poor, being so powerless that they are, have no other choice but to accept it. They are expected to â€Å"look at what is there and take advantage of it†(Kozol, 101), when in reality nothing is there for the poor to take advantage of. The way power is used by the rich is 2 one of the main contributing factors as to why places like Mott Haven are so bad. If the rich raised their own taxes by a little bit, they could solve many of the problems that exist in these poorer cities. This goes to show that the rich don’t care about the poor. The rich are just trying to maintain their reputation and power by staying on top. This is a classic example of dominance and subordination that Miller describes. Furthermore, Gregory Mantsios’ article about media also shows a lot about power and what gets put out in the social media and what doesn’t. Mantsios states those who control the mass media are of the upper class and that is why there is hardly any media coverage of the poor and lower class (Mantsios, 617). The upper class blames the poor for being in the situations they are in and for the problems they are enduring (Mantsios, 613). He goes on to say that what gets put out with mass media about the poor is often distorted and misleading and that the news media ignores the poor (Mantsios, 610-611). This is shown perfectly in Amazing Grace. The radio portrays the poor as being from a â€Å"different species†(Kozol, 41-42). The media is quick to judge based on one crime. When one crime is committed, suddenly all blacks and Hispanics are considered as bad and dangerous people, that â€Å"no amount of food stamps†¦no amount of punishment†¦will help the situation†(Kozol, 41-42). Only the bad things about the poor get put out in the media. However, stories of a little boy dying in front of a building or from a broken elevator aren’t important enough to make it in the media. On top of that, the victims get blamed because of lack of security and maintenance inspectors. Mrs. Washington states, â€Å"I rarely hear the people on these TV panel talk about ordinary things as never getting a night of good deep sleep because you’re scared of bullets coming through the window from the street†(Kozol, 180). The media misrepresents the South Bronx when they headline â€Å"A South Bronx Renaissance†(Kozol, 190). They give false hope saying that new plans are being into place when the truth is these plans are hardly ever completed and if they are completed, it isn’t done well. The main 3 problem lies with upper class controlling the media and how they depict in the media that things are good. Instead of talking about the real problems, they selfishly focus on problems of their own. They are afraid that they will lose their power if they include stories of the lower class in the media. A huge reason as to why the poor struggle and are so powerless is ecause hardly anyone knows to what extent the poor are suffering on a daily basis in places like Mott Haven and the South Bronx. In â€Å"Class in America†by Gregory Mantsios, Mantsios focuses on class differences and how these differences have a profound impact on the way people live (Mantsios, 184). He focuses on the positive correlation between education and socio-economic status as well as class standing and life expectancy. He goes on to say that our economic system is the reason the rich are rich and the poor are poor (Mantsios, 188). These points all directly relate to Kozol’s Amazing Grace. The poor lack all opportunities to be successful. They lack proper education and health care to live a long, successful life. The poor don’t get a proper education. Most teachers aren’t even certified to teach. Being uneducated, the people of Mott Haven and the South Bronx turn to drugs as a sense of relief. Their living conditions lead to many health problems including AIDS and asthma. They can’t even seek proper medical attention because all the hospitals are overflowing and too expensive. The poor didn’t choose to live in these conditions. They were born into it and America’s economic system being the way it is will not help the poor. They are stuck and left to hope and rely on God that things will get better. Not having the proper education and health care strips away any opportunity or hope for the poor. Thus, they will be at the bottom of the social hierarchy. The rich, on the other hand, having proper education and all will be at the top of the social hierarchy, thus being more successful than the poor and having a longer life span as well. Lack of education and being of the lower class means you will not make it in America and this is demonstrated throughout the novel and supports Mantsios’ points. Works Cited Kozol, Jonathan. Amazing Grace: The Lives of Children and the Conscience of a Nation. New York: Crown, 1995. Print. Mantsios, Gregory. Class in America 2009. Race, Class, and Gender in the United States. New York: St. Martins, 1992. N. pag. Print. Mantsios, Gregory. Media Magic Making Class Invisible. Race, Class, and Gender in the United States. New York: St. Martins, 1992. N. pag. Print. Miller, Jean Baker. Domination and Subordination. Race, Class, and Gender in the United States. New York: St. Martins, 1992. N. pag. Print.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Assimilation and Accommodation Essay Essay Example
Assimilation and Accommodation Essay Essay Example Assimilation and Accommodation Essay Essay Assimilation and Accommodation Essay Essay Assimilation and Adjustment Jean Piaget viewed rational growing as a procedure of version ( accommodation ) to the universe. This happens through: * Assimilation. which is utilizing an bing scheme to cover with a new object or state of affairs. * Accommodation – this happens when the bing scheme ( cognition ) does non work. and needs to be changed to cover with a new object or state of affairs. * Equilibration – occurs when a child’s scheme can cover with most new information through assimilation. However. a province of disequilibrium occurs when new information can non be fitted into bing scheme ( assimilation ) . Equilibration is the force which drives the larning procedure as we do non wish to be frustrated and will seek to reconstruct balance by get the hanging the new challenge. ( adjustment ) . Once the new information is acquired the procedure of assimilation with the new scheme will go on until the following clip we need to do an accommodation to it. Example A 2 twelvemonth old kid sees a adult male who is bald on top of his caput and has long crisp hair on the sides. The kid will absorb the adult male as a buffoon. This is assimilation. And when the male parent explain to his boy that the adult male was non a buffoon and that even though his hair was like a clown’s. he wasn’t have oning amusing costume and wasn’t making thing to do people laugh. This is adjustment. And with this new cognition. the male child is able to alter his scheme of â€Å"clown†and do this thought fit better to a standard construct of â€Å"clown. †Harmonizing to Piaget. instruction can back up these development procedures by phases of Development. A child’s cognitive development is about a child development or building a mental theoretical account of the universe. Jean Piaget was interested both in how kids learnt and in how they thought. Piaget studied kids from babyhood to adolescence. and carried out many of his ain probes utilizing his three kids. He used the undermentioned research methods: Naturalistic observation: Piaget made elaborate observations of kids. and from these he wrote diary descriptions charting their development. He besides made Clinical interviews and observations of older kids who were able to understand inquiries and hold conversations. Piaget believed that kids think otherwise than grownups and stated they go through 4 cosmopolitan phases of cognitive development. * Sensorio-motora: desde EL nacimiento hasta los 2 anos aproximadamente. En esta etapa Se caracteriza Al nino como extremadamente egocentrico. donde no comprende el mundo de otra forma que no sea su propio punto de vista. El desarrollo chief nut esta etapa Es el entendimiento de que los objetos existen independientemente de su relacion con EL objeto ( permanencia del objeto ) . es decir que EL nino es capaz de mantener una imagen mental de una character u objeto a pesar de no estar presente O seeable. En esta etapa los bebes aprenden principalmente a traves del ensayo Y mistake. El objetivo de Piaget epoch investigar a que edad los ninos adquirian esta â€Å"permanencia del objeto†. El metodo que uso fue esconder un juguete debajo de una sabana Y ver Si EL nino buscaba EL objeto escondido. Esta busqueda del objeto epoch una prueba de la permanencia del objeto. Piaget supuso que EL nino solo podia buscar EL objeto escondido si tiene una representacion mental de el. * Etapa Pre-operacional: desde los 2 a 7 anos aproximadamente. En esta etapa los ninos desarrollan gradualmente el uso del lenguaje Y La capacidad parity pensar en forma simbolica. Sus pensamientos nut esta etapa suelen ser egocentricos. Egocentrismo hace referencia La incapacidad del nino de ver una situacion desde otro punto de vista que no sea el de el mismo. Segun Piaget. un nino egocentrico supone que Las personas ven. escuchan o sienten lo mismo que el. Piaget quiso descubrir a que edad los ninos dejan de tener esta actitud. * Operaciones Concretas: desde los 7 a 11 anos aproximadamente. En esta etapa EL nino Es lo suficientemente maduro parity pensar logicamente en operaciones unidireccionales. Pero pueden aplicar La logica solo con objetos fisicos. Los ninos Se vuelven menos egocentricos Y entienden las leyes de conservacion. esto significa que comprenden que aunque la apariencia de un objeto cambie. no significa que cambie el objeto en si . * Operaciones Formales: desde los 11 anos hasta La adultez. Cuando los adolescentes entran en esta etapa adquieren la capacidad de pensar de manera abstracta. de combinar clasificar los elementos de una manera mas sofisticada. y la capacidad de razonamiento de orden higher-up. Ademas desarrollan una identidad Y Se muestran mas interesados en temas sociales.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Hobbes vs Plato on Justice essays
Hobbes vs Plato on Justice essays Plato on Hobbes view of justice According to Hobbes, justice must be defined as nothing more than abiding by the law. However, from Platos point of view, this notion of justice is not adequate. Regards to human nature, Hobbes is very pessimistic, while Plato is less so. Based on different views on how the society should be formed, Plato gives different accounts of Justice than Hobbes. This difference will become clear once we learn Hobbes reasoning on his definition of Justice as well as Platos opinions on the issues related to that reasoning. To define justice, Hobbes traces down to the nature of human being. In Hobbes view, the nature of human being is selfish and vain. This nature makes people compete with each other, distrust each other and moreover lust for fame. Therefore, in the state of nature, a war of all against all is unavoidable and the life of man is nothing but tragic. To achieve peace, people make a contract all together to lay down their rights over others. This contract could last only when all members of the contract abide by it. It requires a commonwealth to enforce the performance of the covenant. Justice from a functional point of view then comes into being: it is just abiding by the law. If someone breaks the contract, he will be accused as injustice. First, Hobbes asserts that man is just matter in motion. This material man has no interest other than the preservation and promotion of his own existence. The good is what is in his private interest. Typically, Hobbes verifies three principle desires and passions of man: to gain properties, to secure himself and to glean reputation. It is interesting that Hobbes proposes equality of man as regard to the body and mind. His argument for this equality as regard to the body lies in the fact that the weakest has enough power to kill the strongest. As for mind, it is only because of the distance of other mens wits that makes p...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
PUBLIC FINANCIAL MGMT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
PUBLIC FINANCIAL MGMT - Essay Example However, budgeting numbers are discussed frequently in the scramble for government funding (as in private funding), but the ultimate emphasis relies more on obtaining the funding rather than understanding how effectively the dollars are spent. In terms of Congress, the process of cutting costs involves: ‘producing timely and auditable financial statements, asset management, improving reporting and resource allocation, and strategic planning. In terms of financial control in the private sector, these are the primary concerns, but in the public world they typically garner less attention. (Knubel, John) In Private financial management, the key mission to be fulfilled is the increase in book value and stock prices. Excellence in financial management is regarded as a primary concern. Even in the cases of nonprofits, where stock values are not of concern, financial performance is still represented as the scorecard for success in competition. Market share, accounting, and output-orien ted statistics are carefully monitored and scrutinized. Executives will often use financial data acquired to evaluate the effectiveness of the current management team. It is management’s role to create positive momentum in stockholder wealth while minimizing costs and providing excellent customer service. (Knubel, John) It is clear to see that both the public and private sectors place a lot of emphasis on raising budget capital, yet they differ in their lack of accounting control and execution after the funding is committed. The fiscal capacity of governments is based on a multitude of factors including industrial capacity, personal incomes, population, and natural resource wealth. When governments establish their fiscal policy, understanding the fiscal capacity is a pertinent step. Identifying the fiscal capacity gives governments a better perspective of what programs and services they should offer the public. This process also helps to determine the necessary tax rates to p rovide towards certain levels and projects. The theory of fiscal capacity flows down even to the smallest levels of governments and groups, such as school districts, to determine what type of resources they will be able to provide. For about 15 years, Belgium was able to achieve a great degree of fiscal consolidation with a sizeable reduction of the debt-to GDP ratio. This fiscal consolidation was able to take place amongst the transition from a unitary state to a federal state. By utilizing annual agreements between all levels of government, the federal government substantially reduced its deficit while sub-federal governments simultaneously roughly balanced their budgets. However, in the case of Belgium the sharing of tax revenues was set up so that non-federal governments ended up with the fastest growing tax revenues. This led to all levels of government being faced with a minimal amount of budgetary pressure to rein in spending. Overall, the fiscal consolidation left the countr y with two main confronts. The first was to ensure a fair share of public spending burden between all levels of government, including upcoming ageing costs. The second was to increase the efficiency of spending at all levels by reducing economic disincentives, and by increasing co-operation and co-ordination in policy and public service provision. (OCED economic surveys: Belgium) One can see that after taxes are accumulated and appropriated, the real challenges of fiscal policy begin. It is no easy task to oversee and
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Geo Ass 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Geo Ass 3 - Assignment Example The rapid growth of Seoul City has attracted many people into the city, transforming it into a megacity. The city is considered so because it has a population estimated at about 11.8 million residents. In fact, the city’s metropolitan has a population of about 25.6 million. Because of Seoul’s large population and small area, the city is extremely densely populated estimated at about 44,776 people per square mile. Since the space available in the city cannot accommodate the residents, people in the city live mainly in high-building apartments. Despite the beauty of the city, Seoul has witnesses a traffic mess due to the many number of cars in the city. As a result, the city municipality has been forced to construct large highways to ease the traffic flow in the city. However, it is becoming a key concern that the traffic flow might get messier if the population of the city continues to grow this fast. Additionally, life in Seoul is relatively hard because of the high prices of commodities, which has become a big concern for its
Monday, January 27, 2020
Foreign Direct Investment in Singapore
Foreign Direct Investment in Singapore Chapter 1: Introduction Singapore was a commercial trading centre in the early 19th century and today it has since attained a remarkable transformation into one of the most globally integrated economies in the world, achieving total mechanism and service trading performing triple or more its gross national product and inward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) stock index among the developing market. Foreign direct investment (FDI) has an exceptional and emerging role internationally. It acquired the primary role in both theoretically and practically, which can be observed in different economic, social, cultural, political, finance, and technological dimensions of the world. Objective of Study The objective of this project is to study into the national strategies adopted by Singapore, so far, focusing on their nature and outcomes. A critical assessment will be made on the current challenges ahead, and appropriate strategic options identified. Singapore, to a large extend has relied on foreign MNCs to drive its own industrialization and growth. What is beyond doubt is that Singapores unique ability to attract and retain FDI has undoubtedly been a key ingredient of its economic success. Therefore, it is worthwhile to investigate the determinants of Singapores FDI inflows. Scope of Study In this paper, we examine the interrelations among the variables FDI, the entry modes, the benefits and costs, government policies and the liberalization of FDI. The study of the relationship addresses a few points: Mainly, how dependent is Singapore on FDI? How are the imports and exports of MNCs affecting Singapores FDI inflows? What are the factors being driven by the shift of FDI towards services? What is the main driving force of FDI? Is there a contribution and/or positive link between higher GDP and FDI? Does trade liberalization foster FDI in emerging countries/markets? The overall objective of the study is to determine the efforts that Singapore makes to attract inward FDI, the successful and unsuccessful outcomes and the future developments of FDI in Singapore. The remainder of the study is organized as follows: In Chapter 2, the trends, source, patterns and forms of FDI is being introduced. Chapter 3 explains the reasons why firms choose foreign direct investment instead of exporting, the trade barriers involved and the other forms of entry modes. In Chapter 4, the connection between Singapore and FDI is being analyzed. Chapter 5 presents the benefits and costs of FDI while Chapter 6 briefly discusses the economic growth in the different industrial sectors and how the culture of Singapore affects inwards FDI. In Chapter 7, it describes government intervention and its policies. Chapter 8 involves the discussion of the liberalization of FDI and MAI. And lastly, Chapter 9 comprehends the findings of the future developments of FDI in Singapore and Chapter 10 ends the study with conclusions. Methodology This project is based on secondary research. Data were extracted and researched from various sources from the internet, report findings, ebooks, ejournals, newspapers, textbooks, and databases from the National Library. The actual figures of the FDI are applied to the project to act as evidence. The research is mainly focused in Singapore to highlight the attractiveness of this country and why is it a popular FDI destination. Limitation of study With respect to the analysis and data, there were some limitations that might affect the accuracy of the study The limited data on the impact of liberalization on Singapore, examples of recent FDI in Singapore, statistical information about the forms and type of entry strategies that FDI or local companies adopted, made this research time consuming and challenging. Chapter 2: Theories of FDI Forms of FDI In recent years, the internationalisation of firms has assumed two new features. First, firms increasingly enter foreign markets by acquiring a local producer also known as merger acquisition. Secondly, opening a new subsidiary also known as greenfield investment. Researches suggest that the majority of cross border investments take place in the form of mergers and acquisitions rather than greenfield investments. It is estimated that about 40- 80% of all FDI inflows were in the form of MAs simply because many firms prefer to acquire existing assets which are quicker to execute than Greenfield investments as they are an establishment of a wholly new operation. Also, the outstanding fact that the modern business worlds market evolves rapidly hence firms opt for the easier and perhaps the less risky option- to acquire desired assets than to build them from scratch. Desired assets could include brand name, customer loyalty, trademarks/patents, distribution systems, etc. Typically, firms adopt this approach as means of making a quick entry into a market or establishing a market presence. For instance, in 2000, cement manufacturer, CEMEX acquire Southland to enter the into U.S growing construction market. Lastly, firms believe that through MAs it enables an increase in the efficiency of an acquired unit by transferring capital, technology, management skills, etc. like how CEMEX transferred its technological know how to Southland after the acquisition. The shift towards Services FDI is increasing shifting away from manufacturing and extractive industries and towards services. As service industries were largely national, are becoming transnational recently. The shift to services is being driven by: the general move in many developed countries towards service as the composition of FDI in services have changed, it is mainly concentrated on trade and financial services. In addition, the fact that many services need to be produced where they are consumed. There is also a liberalization of policies governing FDI in services. Lastly, the rise of internet based global telecommunications networks. For instance, Dells call answering centres are located in India. The services sector has been the bulwark of the economy, providing stability and contributing significantly to GDP growth. Figure 2.1 shows that the services sector accounted for about two-thirds of real GDP growth in the 1990s. Further studies also showed that the global FDI stock in the services sector had more than quadrupled during the period 1990-2002. As a result of more rapid growth in this sector than in the other sectors, services accounted for about 60% of the global stock of inward FDI in 2002, compared to less than 50% a decade earlier. Services now account for the largest share of the inward FDI stock in many countries, and Foreign-affiliate service providers play an important role in a growing number of services. Most service FDI has been domestic-market seeking, in such traditional services as finance, tourism and trading, or in industries that have only recently opened up to the private sector, such as electricity, water or telecommunications. Employment in services has also been much less vulnerable to cyclical economic fluctuations than employment in manufacturing. During periods of economic slowdown as shown in Figure 2.2, manufacturing employment fell by an average of 5% in contrast to the employment growth of 3% in the services sector. While in 1996, employment in manufacturing grew only 2% as compared to 5% in services. Realizing the importance, the government takes measures to ensure world-class standards of service excellence and leadership, such as introducing schemes, activities, programmes and even institutes aimed at enhancing service levels, capabilities, mindsets and leadership. Examples include the Singapore Service Star, the Excellent Service Award (EXSA), Go The Extra Mile for Service (GEMS), Public Service for the 21st Century movement (PS21), The Institute of Service Excellence at SMU (ISES) and Certified Service Professional programme by WDA. Gradual development over time has garnered its interdependence involving the manufacturing sector. In the long run, manufacturing and services group will replicate each other and allow firms to share the development of new knowledge-based products. However, many countries have difficulty quantifying FDI flows in services sectors. Determining trade in services is complicated given that services are not traded at a distinct entry or exit points, but rather across four modes of supply. While quantifying investment in services presents further challenges due to the complex nature of FDI definitions. While FDI in services remains more restricted, both developed and developing countries have taken steps to open up their service industries. In fact, starting from a higher level of restrictiveness, developing countries tended to liberalize their service industries at an even more rapid pace than developed countries over the past decade. The competitive impact of FDI entry on service supply conditions depend considerably on initial conditions in a host country, especially the level of economic and service development, market structure of service and the regulatory framework. Entry strategy and strategic alliances Any firm contemplating foreign expansion must first struggle with the issue of which foreign market to enter, when (late or early entry) and on what scale to enter (large or small scale entry) and lastly, which entry mode to use. Basic entry decisions are ultimately based on the assessment of a nations long run growth and profit potential. It is noted that the attractiveness of a country as a political market for an international business depends on balancing the benefits, costs and risks. Benefits include the ability to leverage products and competencies- both technological and management know-how, realizing location economies, and experience effects. Costs include trade barriers, transportation costs, import quotas, tariffs, etc. While the risks involve are political and economic risks. All of these are associated with doing business in that country. Other factors like the size of the market, the present wealth of consumers (purchasing power) and the likely future wealth of consumers are dependent upon economic growth rates. For example, India which is relatively poor is growing rapidly. Economies which are well developed, with relatively low inflation rates and private sector debts have an advantage over those without. Taking Singapores education system as an example- It is a big part of Singapores economic development strategy which attracted and encouraged many international educational establishments. Alternatively, weak economic growth in Indonesia is evidently a far less attractive market. Once firms have decided to enter a foreign market, they have to choose the best mode of entry. Firms can use six different modes to enter foreign markets: Exporting, being a temporary strategy is like a stepping stone in the international expansion process for most firms. In the past, Seagate was a well know example which concentrated its manufacturing operations in one location enables it to move down the experience curve and achieve location economies. However, Singapore has recently taken this approach to a higher level as the Singapore Cooperation Enterprise (SCE) collaborates with Hangzhou Xihu (Westlake) to export Singapores expertise in Hospitality and Tourism. Turnkey projects, are popular because firms can continue with normal business operations while the contractor handle the time consuming and resource intensive projects for a foreign client. Singapore shipyard is reputable for handling sophisticated turnkey projects regardless of is complex requirements and other considerations. This industry is well known in the economic development for the last 40 years and will continue to play the critical role in our economy in order to achieve the goal for Singapore to become a leading international maritime link. Another example would be Sitra Holdings (International) Limited, the international producer of integrated wood based products and turnkey services, secured several turnkey design and build contracts in November 2009. Amongst these contracts, the single largest contract is worth S$3.24 million at the Marina Bay precinct. Licensing, enables a firm to gain access into new markets otherwise inaccessible, hence to facilitate the growth of licensing activities in Singapore with additional focus on brand licensing, character licensing and know-how licensing, the Franchising and Licensing Association (FLA) aims to encourage the adoption of licensing as a growth strategy by producing a report to raise the awareness of how licensing can translate to income stream for companies. Franchising, in Singapore has grown tremendously and is a preferred strategy for SMEs, as it involves minimal investment and staff, thus reducing costs. Local entrepreneurs have successfully made their mark internationally through franchising like BreadTalk, Charles Keith, and OSIM. Larger companies can also make use of the networks of their established franchise partners to grow globally. Joint ventures enable firms to share the benefit of the work process from a local subsidiarys knowledge of the host country such as the competitors, culture, political and business systems and access to greater resources including staff specialized in technology, finance, and so on. In November 2009, QATARQatar Petroleum International (QPI) and Shell Eastern Petroleum Pte Ltd have sealed agreements in which QPI takes stakes in two Shell Chemicals joint ventures in Singapore. The deal, to be completed in December, Shell will sell its existing shareholdings in two companies to a new joint venture called QPI and Shell Petrochemicals (Singapore) Pte Ltd. Establishing new wholly owned subsidiaries would be best adopted by firms pursuing the global and transnational strategies, for instance, Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited invested approximately S$900 million in Fraser Neave Limited (FN) through its wholly-owned subsidiary Seletar Investments Pte Ltd1 in December 2006. The investment would represent approximately 15 per cent of the total shares outstanding of FN on a fully-diluted basis. This investment marks Temaseks most substantial investment in the food and beverage space in recent years. Chapter 3: Country Focus political economy and cultural factors of Singapore Political and economic systems of Singapore The Government of Singapore (GOS) is substantially consigned to maintaining an open economy and taking a leadership role strategize Singapores future economic development. The government do so by adopting a free enterprise, open door policy to attract foreign investors from all types of services sector involving finance, business, tourism, telecommunication and consultancy services. As such, Singapore has exports hitting 186% of 2008 GDP. While Singapores stock of foreign direct investment (FDI) increased by 23.4% from $370.5 billion in 2006 to $457.0 billion in 2007. United States, Netherlands, United Kingdom, and Japan were the top sources of FDI in Singapore. Evidently, the high FDI index reflects Singapores role as a manufacturing base for foreign multinationals (MNCs) and as a financial, transportation, logistics, and trading hub. Also, with high real growth rate and low inflation played a great role in shaping the Singapore economy. Singapore is one of the most enterprising and dynamic economies in the world. In this section, we compare Singapores recent trade performance with its performance in past crises, namely the 1997-1998 Asian Financial Crisis where many countries and industries were affected by the deep fall of exports during the recession and the 2001-2002 Dot-Com Bust where IT industries around the world were affected by the large scale cancellation of electronic orders due to the over-investments by IT firms. In 2008 till present, Singapore is experiencing a slow down in the economy due to the US subprime crisis. The main issue is that the US Subprime Market is generating an extension of recessions in some economies and accelerating global recession in a way. Thus, Singapores total output of the country has decreased and the export of electronics goods has reduced significantly. Differences in culture The difference between international and domestic business is that countries are different. In this section, we will explore how differences in culture across and within countries can affect international business. The culture of a nation is the values that are shared among a group of people living together. While it is possible for a nation/state to have a uniform culture, this is not always the case. Multiple cultures can exist, and cultures can also cut across national borders. Taking Singapore as an example, where it is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society with the residential population in Singapore 75% are ethnic Chinese, 17% ethnic Malays, 7% ethnic Indians and a small category of `Others. Therefore foreign direct investors and managers need an understanding of the culture or cultures prevail in the countries where they do business in or intend to. Culture, society, and the nation state International business is different from national business because countries and societies are different. Societies differ because their cultures vary. Their cultures vary because of profound differences in social structure, religion, language, education, economic and political philosophies. 2 important implications flow from these differences: The first is the need to develop cross- cultural literacy. There is a need not only to appreciate that cultural difference exist, but also to appreciate what such difference mean for international business. Therefore, one of the biggest dangers comforting a company is the danger of being ill-informed. Being ill-informed about the practices of another culture, any business is likely to fail. Doing business in different cultures requires adaption to embrace all aspects of an international firms operations in a foreign country. For instance, the way in which discussions are organized, the welfare of employees, the structure of a firm, the manner in which is the product is being promoted, the tenor of relations between the management and labour, and so on, are all sensitive to cultural differences. To overcome the danger of being ill-informed, the solution is for international business to consider employing local citizens to help them do business in a particular culture, while ensuring h ome-country executives work along side and understand the differences in culture and how it affects their business. With the incorporation of large western MNCs, the Singapore work culture is a unique interaction of Asian and Western cultural exchanges. Where large western MNCs often exhibit predominantly western-style work culture, a greater influence of traditional Asian culture exists. Local firms are mainly influenced by cultural characteristics: collectivism, high power distance and high-uncertainty avoidance. Additionally, among the differences between US and Singapores working culture, local jargon is only one of the many. There are several other differences that are mainly caused by different circumstances and cultural values of the two nations. The bottom line is what works in one culture may not work in another. A simple example illustrates how important cross cultural literacy can be. According to my lecturer, Mr. Rowland Sam, with his many years of experiences has shared with us how the Chinese in China who tend to be informal in nature, does not mix business and pleasure. The Chinese perceives their lunch/ tea breaks as an important factor in the lives as when it is lunch/ tea time, they would stop all work for that. Initially, Mr. Sam was taken aback as they have not finished their respective jobs or meet the deadline, but they would still go for their breaks. He then finally concluded that the breaks were the only time workers get to drink, eat and enjoy themselves after a long days work. A second implication centres on the connection between culture and national competitive advantage. Fundamentally, the value systems and norms of a country influence the costs of doing business in that country which in turn influences the ability of firms to establish a competitive advantage in the global marketplace. For instance, the choice of countries in which to locate production facilities and do business; It makes little sense to base production facilities that require skilled expertise to operate, in a country where education is so poor, the pool of skilled and educated workers are unavailable, the degree of stratification of class is high and there are more than 2 linguistic groups. But as important as culture is, it is probably less important than economic, political and legal systems in explaining differential economic growth between nations. Cultural differences are significant, but we should not overemphasize their importance in the economic sphere. Other implications Besides transferring of management and technological know-how, FDI also has the capabilities to bring environmental and social benefits to host countrys economies. However, there is a danger or probability that foreign owned enterprises would use FDI to export productions or equipments that are prohibited in their home countries due to their regulations and policies. Host countries that are keen on attracting FDI are especially prone to fall into this trap where the government would risk lowering or freezing regulatory standards. For example, MNEs moving equipments that considered to be environmentally unsuitable in their home country, to their subsidiaries in developing countries. The sort of environmental risk associated with FDI is being reflected. Additionally, some micro-oriented problems such as the distributional changes and the need for industrial restructuring in the host economy, increases costs and inconveniences to the people. Fortunately, these problems can be salvaged when appropriate practices are pursued towards flexibility, couple with macroeconomic stability and the implementation on adequate legal and regulatory frameworks. Not to mention that using FDI, the presence of financially strong foreign enterprises may not be sufficient to assist economic development when domestic legal, competition and environmental frameworks are weak or weakly enforced. Finally, like official development aid, FDI cannot be the foundation for solving poor countries development problems. With an average of 15% of capital formation in developing countries, FDI acts a complement to domestic fixed capital rather than a primary source of finance. Likewise, while FDI may contribute significantly to human capital formation, the transfer of state-of-the-art technologies, enterprise restructuring and increased competition, it is the host country authorities that must undertake basic efforts to raise education levels, invest in infrastructure and improve the health of domestic business sectors. The link between FDI inflows and accessibility of government information In this section, we will find out to what extend does government information contribute to investors decision making and how does it influence FDI decision making. Firstly, with governments information, the quality of investors knowledge of the performance, operations and functions of companies in the target market can be further enhanced for better understanding, which enforces rules of equity and resource utilization, and promotes competition. Secondly, by providing information, the government contributes data and perspectives on how investment projects can be best commenced and managed as foreign investors are able to obtain sufficient information from host governments in order to make informed decisions and meet obligations and commitments. Generally, it also helps build the countrys image. However, it is still possible for a country to receive lower FDI than its potential if it has a generally negative image, despite having a good resource base and strong economic fundamentals, taking Indonesia for instance. Apparently, a countrys image does affect investors perception and investment inflows. Hence it is a legitimate practice to use specialized and general forms of government information in order to build an affirmative image of a country. Also, reduces uncertainty about changes in policies and administrative practices in the business environment in the near future. Finally, the accessibility of government information increases transparency of transactions, however there may be some concerns. Both the host country and investors may want to have access to information concerning each other as part of its policy-making processes and for regulatory purposes. The main objective of transparency with relation to FDI is to limit circumvention, boost the predictability and stability of the investment relationship, monitor performance and evasion of obligations by covert or indirect means. Certain country characteristics are quote as attracting FDI, including substantial macroeconomic policy management, political freedom and stability, physical security, reliable legal frameworks, an open trading environment, competent institutions, and no or low corruption. Regulatory regimes based on transparency, predictability, and fairness is also important. But the potency of these conditions is dependent of the accessibility of information, especially government information, because foreign direct investors are affected by market failures due to their lack of adequate information due partly to geographical asymmetry of information accessibility (Portes and Rey, 2000). Chapter 4: FDI strategy Background to Singapores FDI strategy Singapores assertive efforts to attain FDI for more support of its economic strategy have enabled the country to develop into a basis for multinational corporations (MNCs). Singapores investment promotion agency, the Economic Development Board (EDB), focuses on obtaining major investments in highly valued services and/or manufacturing activities, deepening its industrial and export structure, using selective interventions to capture cross-industry externalities and move away from labour intensive to capital-skill and technology-intensive activities, by acquiring and upgrading the modern technologies in highly internalized forms. This strategy allowed the country to concentrate in specific phases in the production process, depriving from the flow of innovation and investing lesser in its own innovative effort. Singapores FDI policies were based on liberal entry and ownership conditions, easy access to expatriate skills and generous incentives for the activities that it was seeking to promote. The EDB was mainly set up to synchronize policy, offer incentives to lead foreign investors into targeted activities, acquire and construct industrial estates to attract MNCs. The public sector played an important role in launching and promoting activities selected by the government, acting as a catalyst to private investment or entering areas that were to risky for the private sector. Often it was the efficiency, effectiveness and flexibility of government response that gave Singapore the edge over competing host countries. The importance of inward FDI to Singapore FDI has played a crucial role through the years in accelerating the economic development in Singapore. Being a small country with no natural resources, Singapore had depended on leading international companies not only in bringing in capital funds to broaden her economic base, but also in upgrading the technology and skill content of her industries. Since FDI is one way that Singapore can tap foreign technology, therefore a substantial amount of capital is required to help generate GDP. Furthermore, exchange rate will also play a role in determining GDP. A slow appreciation of the currency will increase the confidence of those who are investing in Singapore and help to attract more investment. The Singapore dollar appreciation will also curb imported inflation. The importance of FDI in Singapore is reflected in the countrys ratio of inward FDI stock to GDP: at 72%, the ratio is the highest in the world. That importance is also reflected in the fact that 90% of value added in Singapores electronics industry (remarkable growth in exports and income) is accounted for by foreign investors, and that FDI accounts for fully two-thirds of equity capital in the countrys manufacturing sector. In addition, Singapores productivity increased fastest in those industries in which FDI was concentrated. The rank correlation coefficients between increases in value added per worker and increases in FDI share and FDI level were .62 and .45. Moreover, because foreign direct investors profits and outward remittances have tended to move in close tandem with the general performance of Singapores economy and the health of its balance of payments, while the economic risk taking function is also borne by those investors, time and again Singapores exceptional reliance on FDI has effectively cushioned its economy from the balance of payments and debt crises that have hurt many other developing economies. Host Country policies FDI is attracted to Singapore mainly due to Singapores favourable investment climate and strategic geographical location. Some other reasons include non-fiscal advantages, Singapores small domestic market combined with no tariffs on most imports and low corporate tax rates have made Singapore into a popular low-risk high-return FDI destination. In general, corporate taxes, or taxes imposed on corporate income, is an important determinant of MNCs location decisions, just as individual income tax rates is an important determinant of where a person decides to work and live. Theoretically, other things equal, MNCs would prefer countries with lower corporate tax rates over countries with higher rates. Furthermore, a wide range of new incentives have been added over the years to promote FDI inflows. Burdensome regulations and performance requirements for FDI can offset a generous package of tax incentives. However, in Singapores case, the restrictions and regulations governing both the entry and operation of foreign enterprises and personnel are minimal. Overall, foreign investors are subject to the same government regulations as local investors, and both have a lot of freedom in pursuing their profit objectives. In addition to the general absence of performance requirements, Singapore has also signed a large number of avoidance of double taxation agreements, which mutually protect countries for a specific time against war and non-commercial risks of expropriation and nationalization. The four areas of Singapores government regulations in different areas relevant to foreign investors are the foreign exchange regime, equity ownership, performance requirements and human resources. First, the foreign exchange regime is highly liberal and freely allows repatriation of capital and remittance of profits, dividends, interests, royalty payments and technical licensing fees, as well as the free importation of goods and services for consumption, investment and production purposes. Second, foreign participation is permitted in most sectors of the economy except for some limitations in the monetary sector, areas of trained and skilled personnel. However, 100% foreign equity ownership is readily permitted. Third, there are no perform
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Healthy Lifestyle Among Teenagers Essay
* Definition of Healthy Lifestyle (2011): healthy lifestyle will make you fit, energetic, and reduced risk for disease. * The way to stay healthy and long comfortable life are by doing a lot of exercise, eat healthy food and get enough sleep Body The way to stay healthy and long comfortable life is do a lot of exercise. 1. Have a moderate and regular exercise * Healthy Lifestyle (2011) listed that 30 minutes a day of moderate aerobic exercise can burn calories and build up your heart and lungs recommends by the American Heart Association. * Smith (2011) stated that the American College of Sports Medicine recommends to performing enough cardio work out: 30 minutes a day, five days a week, or a vigorous cardio session for 20 minutes daily. 2. Exercise can avoid dangerous disease. * Herndon (2011) and Lakshmy (2011) listed that the risk of developed certain disease can be reduce by doing regular exercise and promote overall health. * Health Benefit of Exercise (2012) indicates that exercise will improve your blood pressure and cholesterol level and decreasing the chances of suffering chronic disease such as diabetes, heart disease and several cancers. Other than that, we can stay healthy and has long comfortable life by eating healthy food. 1. Eat according to the food pyramid. * The Importance of Nutrition (2009) stated that our body needs the right balance of carbohydrates, fats, and protein to stay healthy. * Definition of Healthy Lifestyle (2011) indicates that we need to eat e varied diet to get dozens of essential forms of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, and fats. 2. Limit your size of meal to avoid overweight * Lakshmy (2011) identified to prevent weight gains, we need a balanced diet that is low in fat and sugar that provides you all the required nutrients without excess calories intake. * Pearson (2011) stated that we have to choose product with low fat, fat free dairy product or just substitute with soy milk. In other hand, we have to get enough sleep to stay healthy. 1. Skimping on sleep increase hunger * Health Benefit of Sleep (2010) indicate the researchers of University of Chicago exposed that sleep loss possibly will reduce the ability of the body to regulate hormones that control hunger. * Smith (2011) stated that sleep deprivation triggers release of unwanted hormones. 2. Make brain rest when sleeping. * Definition of Healthy Lifestyle (2011) definite that when you are asleep, the daily metabolism perpetuates the decline and rejuvenation of cellular tissue, and the body’s self repair take place. * Specified that memory consolidation and appetite regulation also occur during sleep. Conclusion It is important to take care of your health by doing the right amount of exercise, eating the right food and get enough rest and sleep. Teenage is seen by many as a time of joy and a time to explore the world vigorously. Despite all of the excitement to enjoy the time and experiencing experience, it is important to have a healthy lifestyle. According to the definition of Healthy Lifestyle (2011), healthy lifestyle will make you fit, energetic, and reduced risk for disease. Living healthy lifestyle is certainly not easy. Living a healthier life can not only extend your life, it can also improve the quality. Feeling physically better and having control over your own life can greatly increase your mental health as well. Although there are some aspects of physical and mental health that are beyond an individual’s control, there are many simple ways that people can do to improve their healthy lifestyle. The way to stay healthy and long comfortable life are by doing a lot of exercise, eat healthy food and get enough sleep. One of the simple ways to stay healthy and long comfortable life is do regular exercise. By having moderate and regular exercise, we can avoid miscellaneous dangerous diseases. Smith (2011) stated that the American College of Sports Medicine recommends to performing enough cardio work out such 30 minutes a day, five days a week, or a vigorous cardio session for 20 minutes daily. According to Healthy Lifestyle (2011), the American Heart Association recommends that 30 minutes a day of moderate aerobic exercise can burn calories and build up your heart and lungs. A few types of exercises that equally to aerobic which burn fat calories very quickly and improve and maintain heart and lung fitness are dancing, jogging, and swimming. Herndon and Lakshmy (2011) also indicate that the risk of developed certain disease can be reduce by doing regular exercise and promote overall health. A study by Health Benefit of Exercise (2012) notes that exercise will improve your blood pressure and cholesterol level and decreasing the chances of suffering chronic disease such as diabetes, heart disease and several cancers. Other than that, we can stay healthy and has long comfortable life by eating healthy food. To know on those foods we eat are healthy or not, we should not skipping our meal. There are a lot of people skip their breakfast but it helps to stimulates how you feel for the rest of the day and also and may slow down your metabolism. Next, the food pyramid is there for a reason as we should eat accordance to their element and theirs importance. The Importance of Nutrition (2009) stated that our body needs the right balance of carbohydrates, fats, and protein to stay healthy. Healthy Lifestyle (2011) indicates that we need to eat e varied diet to get dozens of essential forms of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, and fats. Eat more fruits, vegetables carbohydrate and protein and take less fat. Then, avoid unhealthy meal to avoid overweight. Lakshmy (2011) identified to prevent weights gains, we need a balanced diet that is low in fat and sugar that provides you all the required nutrients without excess calories intake. Pearson (2011) also stated that we have to choose product with low fat, fat free dairy product or just substitute with soy milk. For desert as instance, if you just have to have the sweets cut down on the portion size, substitute with low-fat or fat-free goods, or choose fruit. Drink 8 glasses of water a day, avoid fried foods, and just do not eat 2 hours before bed. Furthermore, there is another aspect of healthy living that should be considered along with its benefits, get enough sleep to stay healthy. Sleep is probably the most important part of staying healthy. Without sleep, your body cannot undergo crucial repairing processes that help you function while you are awake. People tend to not know that skimping on sleep increase hunger. Health Benefit of Sleep (2010) indicate the researchers of University of Chicago of Medical Centre exposed that sleep loss possibly will reduce the ability of the body to regulate hormones that control hunger. Other than that, sleep deprivation triggers release of unwanted hormones such as cortisol, which alters glucose metabolism resulting in fat storage. To promote regular glucose metabolism and limit weight gain, sleeping at least eight hours a night are be need. Not only that, sleep can help the brain to have its time to rest. Healthy Lifestyle (2011) exposed that when you are asleep, the daily metabolism perpetuates the decline and rejuvenation of cellular tissue, and the body’s self repair take place. Having good sleeping habits results in reducing our levels of stress, for instance, a good night’s sleep can lower blood pressure. Sleep tends to help to specify that memory consolidation and appetite regulations occur during sleep too. Pretty awesome thing about this sleep isn’t it? And it’s something most of us take for granted. In conclusion, â€Å"prevention is the best cure†. This means that the easiest way to get healthy is to avoid getting sick in the first place. While this is not always possible, there are many ways to prevent possible future health problems and illnesses. Healthy life can be produced through the combination of many ways, including regular exercise, eating healthy food and get enough sleep. Taking care of our body and feeling pride in our accomplishments can improve both our physical and mental health. There are many things we can do to improve our quality of life and most of them are easiest steps. No matter how small you start, you can make a change and an improvement in your life.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Cancer Diary of Osteosarcoma
SUBMITTED BY: ARAGAW GEBEYEHU SUBMITTED: DR. FLORES ROZAS DATE OF SUBMISSION: 04/16/1801/26/12 My name is osteosarcoma. I am highly malignant tumor of mesenchymal origin and the second most common primary malignant bone tumor .I am originate from mesenchymal cells. I have spindle shape and hyper chromatic nucleus. I have been formed when osteoblasts cells secreted malignant osteoid. I am like osteoblast (bone forming) cells, but I cannot make strong matrix like them. You know that osteoblasts originate from immature mesenchymal stem cells. So my ancestors are from those. But I am already modified in to osteosarcoma cell. I can occur at any bones found in the body. I am more frequent at sites of the most rapid bone growth; those are extremities of long bones near metaphyseal growth plates. From the sites that I frequently choose ;distal and proximal end of femur (42%),proximal end of tibia(19%), proximal end of humerus (10%), pelvis skull and jaw(85%) and pelvis( 8%). I can be appearing 1 to 3 million people per year. Off course, I am rare compared to other types of cancer. I can attack any age as primary osteosarcoma but mostly between 10-25yrs. I can also come at older individuals as secondary osteosarcoma. I affect males little bit more than females. I am most common in patients with Fraumeni syndrome, Rothmund-Thomson syndrome, Bloom and Werner syndromes. Exposing to Paget disease and ionizing radiation give favorable conditions for me to develop our colony. Fig 1. Osteosarcoma genesis and osteogenesis When I was changing to osteosarcoma, there was a mutations of MDM2 amplifications which led to p53 gene inactivation. Another controller gen which is called retinoblastoma (RB) genes was also altered. I become safe because there is no more check point and control for me .But the normal bone cells have several check points in their cell cycle. In the presence of RB mutations I will occur at an incidence 500 times that of the normal population. Normal cells are always worrying for G1/S check point but I am not, because the p53 and Rb genes are already mutated (lost their function). I am preparing more DNA and for that I am also synthesizing mRNA and important proteins. During my replication time I gained chromosome number 1 and lost chromosome 9, 10 and 13. Till now I am successfully dividing and I am forming other similar cells. In near future I will have my own colony of cells and my own sarcoma tissues01//14/2014As usual I was preparing to divide but the proteins detected a damage in my DNA. The damage was too big to be repaired. Even if it is bigger damage I will not go to programmed cell death called apoptosis. Because this is not my character. My only goal is to survive and proliferate more. This is my unique behavior. Of course I was not like this, I was following the normal path of cell cycle and programed cell death. This thing happened after I lost my DNA sequence that triggers cell death pathway.5/18/15Recently I got another mutations and my FOS and Jun proteins are up regulated. Those proteins are components of activator protein1 complex (AP-1). AP-1 his regulator of cell transcription. Now I am getting additional energy because my transcription regulators are out of service. I can proliferate freely and destroy bone cortex and extend towards bone marrow cavity and soon out wards towards adjacent soft tissues.10/17/15I am now thinking why not I visit other organs. I have information lung, liver and also other bones are the safe place and more fertile to me . When I become more organize, I can migrate and live there. I am already resistant to programed cell death (anoikis) and can exhibit anchorage independent growth (AIG). Abnormal integrin? v6, Rho, ATPase e.g. Racl and Cdc42 upregulated p13 kinases which in turn inhibited proapoptotic factor Bad and this protected me from apoptosis even when I am not attached to any membrane. Now I have bigger size with hypoxic and acidic environment. So I need supporting blood vessels to obtain oxygen and nutrients I have done angiogenesis for my sustained growth and further metastasis. My intrinsic conditions have to lead to stimulation of von Hippie Lindau protein. It releases hypoxia inducible factor-1? (HIF-?)which further up regulates several VEGF gene such as VEGF A through VEGF E. This further releases Nitric oxide (NO) from endothelial cells and results in vasodilation and increased vascular permeability. By doing those processes I got leaky and irregular vasculature.3/14/16 I am starting flight to lung. I am using integrin proteins, which found in my surface ,in attaching to matrix proteins (fibronectin).For my signal transduction and interaction with other cells, I use integrin along with ezrin protein ,foal adhesion kinase (FAK),protein kinase C (PKC) and Rho GTPase. They also help me for my conformational changes. Besides to this matrix metalloproteinase (MMPs) are helping me in my sojourn through blood vessels and tissue renewal process. Now I have reached the lungs and I am growing, multiplying and consuming all nutrients. It is like as I heard .I like it.10/10/2016Today, the patient could not resist me .He took me to hospital. Because I create sever pain and swelling. I was diagnosed by radiograph as high grade sarcoma. Additionally they did CT scan, RI and biopsy and confirmed my stage. They are now discussing to fight against me.Yes they have started chemotherapy (high dose methotrexate, doxorubicin and cisplatin). I have been fighting against those drugs for the last three months and I am now getting old, starving and feeling weaker day by day. Oh those drugs become treble for me. Methotrexate is a dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor, it can block folic acid supply which is needed for my RNA and DNA synthesis. Doxorubicin which is also a drug that interact with my DNA and inhibits biosynthesis of macro molecules. Cisplatin causes damage to my DNA. I have to create solutions, because I am no longer able to make RNA efficiently. But I am struggling to continue my life. I got another mutations which is alteration in reduced folate reductase (RFC) protein Leu291pro.Yes I did it. This alteration unable carrier to transport methotrexate towards me .Besides to this, membrane pump-glycoproteins (P-gp) is also helping me with pumping out these drugs. Due to this I start dividing and spreading slowly but steadily. Other worse situations are happening to me, they are using high energy rays (x-rays) to kill me. I am no longer able to grow. I am shrinking. 4/14/18The worst thing are happened on me. Now, they are performing surgery and removing me as cancerous tissue. I was sending my daughters to afar to lung. By myself I am highly depressed and weak due to huge loss my colony. I try to grow and spread again by my reserve soldiers and by those immigrant members. They are still in dilemma to administer chemotherapeutic agent after surgery. The people are always struggling to combat me and other friends. If they post-surgery chemotherapy no more survival .I say good bye I will not be there anymore. REFERENCEBiomarkers in osteosarcoma, Colin Kong, M.S and Marc F. Hansen, Ph.D.Biology and therapeutic advances in pediatric osteosarcoma, Nayssa Marina,The oncologist ,2003Novel therapeutic strategy for osteosarcoma targeting osteoclast differenciation, bone reabsorbing activity ,and apoptosis pathways.The molecular pathogenesis of Osteosarcoma; A review, Matthew L. broadhead, sarcoma, 2011.Current strategy for chemotherapy in Osteosarcoma, Dorothy carric, International Orthopedics, 2006Osteosarcoma: A review of diagnosis ,management and treatment strategies, David S. geller ,MD, and Richard Gorlic MDSwitch from ?v?5 to ?v?6 integrin expression protects squamous cell carcinomas from anoikis, S.M. Janes ,Journal of cell Biology,2006.Analysis of molecular mechanisms of osteosarcoma using bioinformatics approach ,Jaxon yang ,oncology letters,2016.
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